Sunday 15 January 2017


Hello! I'm Zhang Xiaohan, 14 in March, and I'm in 2J this year. I'm currently in Chorale.

I'm previously from Nan Hua Primary School. I love reading books and listening to music. There are no particular genres that I favour, both for music and for books, and it really depends on my mood that day, but if I had to pick a genre that I lean towards more consistently, I would say (pop-)ballads. But nothing I can think of for books since my favourites spans across vastly different genres.

I have two sisters, one older and one younger, so that makes me the middle child! My entire family does well in Chinese, except me, but I enjoy English and Science. I really don't get numbers, so my Math is horrible. I'm horribly forgetful, and I lose and forget things so often it's a daily occurrence. I've taken the personality quiz, and I'm apparently an INFP, so I'm an introvert! I am awkward at times, especially with new people, but with my friends, I'm rather loud.

I look forward to the many activities the school planned for us this year, including the upcoming NE show as well as the OELP trip, which I really want to go with my current CID group. I hope I can improve this year, and cope well with the many materials we will be learning. I hope to forge deeper friendships and bonds with my classmates and schoolmates as well.

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